Tubular Bells

After yesterday's birthday party today we were over to see my mum.

I was up earlyish to get a chicken in to roast.
I decided to make a chicken chasseur to take over for dinner later.

Once that was on the go, we had breakfast... I had a ruby grapefruit, which was delicious! Hadn't had one for a long,while :-) hub had toast.

We went for a newspaper and walked back a longer route; if the truth be known we wanted to find the house that appeared on Location Location Location last week, which was actually filmed on our estate.....we did find it ;-)

We drove over to mums, traffic wasn't too bad until we came to leave the motorway, a minor prang, three cars had glanced each other, changing lanes I guess....didn't look as though anyone was hurt fortunately.

Mum was dozing in th chair when we got their, so was a,bit groggy at first......she soon perked up though. I made her a sandwich for lunch and then the three of us sat in the garden enjoying the lovely sunshine. After several cups of tea and lots of chit chat, I put the oven on to warm the chasseur and brown some pre-boiled potatoes.

Mum asked me to prune her Robinia and cotoneaster as she can't reach them these days......I think she is all of 4'10" these days.
She used to be taller than me, but that's not difficult ;-)

Mum enjoyed her dinner, didn't leave anything ;-). We didn't have a dessert as we were too full ;-)

We left about 7.50 so we could get home in good time to,do,some watering before settling down to watch episode two of Victoria, which we thoroughly enjoyed last night :-)

Just a quick shot of our white agapanthus in this mornings sunshine as no time for blipping today.....did,wish,I'd taken my camera to mums though, as there was a fabulous sunset on the way home, always the way, isn't it :-/

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