
By Mindseye


Today daughter had planned a surprise 8th Birthday Party for Emily, who had been at her Dads all week.

We all assembled in the kitchen and did our best to keep all the excited children quiet, in readiness for Emily coming in.

Her school friends all had confetti wands and as soon as she opens the door, there was a big chorus of "surprise!!" as she was swallowed up by confetti. She was a little taken aback,initially, but soon got over her shock :-)

I managed to persuade the girls to gather on the big spinney chair so I could get a couple of decent shots of them together......I loved this one as they decided to roar ;-)

The house was suitably decorated in an Hawaiin theme, we all had garlands to wear, some people dressed up too ;-)

Daughter and her partner laid on a lovely buffet and after an initial.shower, the sun came out enabligg us to spill outside onto the deck and garden. The children played on the trampoline amongst other make believe games.

We stayed for around 6 hours...........the fun was still going strong when we left.

Just spent an hour editing the photos I took, always so many more than you think ;-)

A quiet night in front of the TV tonight I think.

A busy week ahead......hope yours is a good one,

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