Little Man!!

We had a great night out last night with daughter and partner, a local Comedy Club...not something we would normally go to, but ha e to say we really enjoyed ourselves. Three different comics, plus a funny compare, a few bottles of Prosecco equals a fat head this morning ;-)

Once we were up and showered, and dosed up with paracetamol we got going. Cleared a few things out of the garage as our neighbour was taking some stuff to the dump and had space on his trailer :-)

We had dippy eggs for brunch and a few mugs of tea.....then we walked into town as the weather was fine and very still. We got the bits we needed before going for a coffee in Reds.

I'd taken my camera but didn't see anything worth photographing until we were on our way home when I spotted this little man, just like the one off the Amazon advert :-). Despite my calling him and rattling the gate, he was only ever going to show me his rear end, way to busy munching ;-)

We've had a fairly easy day today, just pottering. Some watering, a frog was happily widdipping in the pond :-).

Had a lovely chilli prawn and crayfish pasta dish with some of my homemade tomato sauce for dinner which was very tasty :-)

Just spoken to mum, she was happy with her lot, youngest son and his wife had been for a visit and taken her to visit his paternal grandad who also lives alone. I think she enjoyed herself ;-)

Now settling down to watch Casualty......think it might be a bit of a tearjerker :-/

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