
By bananablip

Tourists for the day

A sunny day forecast and nothing to do all day, what a glorious prospect.

Today's staycation location was Chester. Enough touristy stuff, shops and cathedrals to keep SS happy and the promise of a walk around the city walls for me. I think even a city that you're reasonably familiar with takes on a different feel in the sunshine and I do definitely feel like I've been on holiday today. Mooching, walking and a beer by the river helps, of course.

Chester holds lots of memories for me; a random collection of memories which are neither interesting nor important but always come right back when I visit. My excitement as a young teen going to the Disney shop to stock up on anything Simba related (young teen, ok?!), going there to buy my first guitar, visiting Andrew's first university house full of women who liked to clean and sitting by the river with friends.

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