The summer that just keeps giving

What an absolutely incredible summer it has been, spent with family and the very best of friends. Just when I thought one lovely thing was coming to an end, something else popped up on the horizon bringing even more loveliness. Even the little spurts of work in the middle haven't been long enough to stop the holiday feeling.

And so, as work beckons tomorrow, and the new diet and exercise regime kick in...I will look back on the summer of 2015 with the fondest of memories, locked up here on blip to look back on forever.

Today has been full of good stuff. A sweaty but enjoyable run around beautiful Shrewsbury, a wonderful and refreshing church service, pottering around the house with a movie in the background and then a lovely dinner out with tjc (ending in another goodbye, sadly).

And so the final musketeer leaves in a couple of days. What will I do?

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