
By mydayblipped

Aiming High

Today was our second day of our holidays.
We had hoped to do quite a few of the activities offered on site..zipwire, lasertag, quadbikes, etc but found that we should have booked before we arrived because the only thing we could do that wasn't fully booked was archery.

So we headed into Nairn for a couple of hours. We had a nice walk along the beach, went to a gift shop where the kids spent some of their holiday money and then went to a nice wee cafe called Basil's cafe for a hot chocolate and a slice of carrot cake. At Basil's we met in with a lovely scottie dog whose owner told me 'he was a right sook' (the dog not the owner).
Back to the campsite and we did our archery. None of us had done archery before but all of us really enjoyed it!
Wasn't fair though, my husband and kids all got a balloon to pop (and all were successful) but there was no balloon for me :( and I would've popped it too! So we say I popped the virtual balloon :D

After archery we decided to go for a forest walk. Oh dearie me!
We went to Culbin Forest, picked up the leaflet and decided to go on the Hillview 99 trail. It said to allow 2 hours for your walk.
So we walked
and we walked
and we walked some more
we saw trees
and more trees
and nothing that looked like a pond or a viewpoint like the leafleft said.
We walked for an hour before deciding to turn round and walk back to the car (for another hour)
To find we had gone along the wrong path.
This is not the first time this has happened, we're becoming a tad infamous now for our forest-walk-up-the-wrong-path (but at least it wasn't raining like the time we spent 4hours up Bennachie!)

We went back to the campsite and went to the restaurant onsite for supper. Excellent food was had by all and clear plates all round.

Back to the wigwam and we had ordered a firepit and wood so we spent the rest of the evening sitting round that just chillin

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