
By mydayblipped

Friday Night on the Beach

Friday we headed on our holidays, 2 nights away to East Grange Wigwams, somewhere between Burghead and Kinloss. It kind of felt odd saying I was going on there on holiday because I lived in Elgin from age 10-17 so it wasn't too far away from what used to be home. But it was nice to get away from the city of Aberdeen.
We got lucky with the weather. Drove to Elgin, went to Tesco and bought food and other bits and pieces.
Arrived at the site an hour and a half too early (oops!) but got checked in.
Ended up back to Tescos cause we had forgotten some things like washing up liquid, but after the 2nd trip I was like no more! We're not coming back to Elgin until it's time to go home cause that just doesn't feel like a holiday to me!
Back to the camp site, and we had a BBQ for supper, nothing fancy just a burger and some sausages, but they always taste better when eaten outside.
After out BBQ we headed to Roseisle beach.
Now Roseisle beach has a bit of history with me, when my mum left my dad (taking me with her) I missed out on a school trip to Roseisle beach and was quite upset (I was 10). I have been to Roseisle beach since then but I've always felt cheated by that non-trip in primary 7.
Even though we live in Aberdeen which has it's own beach, I never feel like I live beside the sea and don't particularly like the beach here

So I was eager to show my husband and kids this beach because I knew they hadn't seen a beach as cool as this one. And there were indeed a few intakes of breath as they reached the top of the path through the forest to see the beach before them.

This turned out to be such a lovely night. We made a wee campfire, the first campfire I have ever been in attendance to. Only thing we were missing was hot chocolate and marshmallows :) and sat and watched the sun set all the way down til we couldn't see it any more.
Even the kids appreciated the view.

There are lots of photos to choose form, some much better than this one taken by the sand dune but I chose this one for my blip cause it shows me and my family really happy with out wee campfire :)

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