New Squirrel

For a brief moment today I was on pages 1,2&3 of popular* - all thanks to you guys and some early starts, thank you.
Today's pic is definitely not my finest work, but politics and deadlines tied me to my desk all day, so finding a blip was a little more challenging than of late.
Was wandering back up the garden tonight when  I saw a familiar flash of red running along the top of the trellis and then to a feeder. I only had the phone, which whilst it excels at landscapes, is useless if zoomed. But I persisted as I wanted to record this fellow (don't ask how I know, let's just say he was excitable...) who is a new squirrel in the wood, I'm assuming one of this year's batch all growed up. If so that is great as sadly a red was reported squished in the village while I was away.

*I've noticed that often celebratory blips dominate popular (indeed I've been guilty of them myself). I really like how a lot of blippers make a special effort (Emma, H, FWG, you know who you are) but am less enamoured of a number scrawled on a bit of card! So I'm thinking of suggesting to blipcentral that anniversary blips get a new symbol (ive suggested a candle) a perhaps a separate page. Obvs if they're great then peeps could fav them too?
Good idea or curmudgeonly idea? Discuss!

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