Click above link to hear all songs from previous week as well as a bonus track.

As sunday is undoubtedly the day of reflection... Then sunday Blips for me will be no different.

No rules sunday!

This gives me a chance to throw in a cover, a sample of a new song or something special . I will add a link that is a playlist of all songs recorded in the previous week as well as a surprise track that may or may not have been recorded that day or even sung or played by me for that matter. Be nice to get some cool colabs to fill that slot eventually.

I will also carry the theme that on a sunday you will also get a picture of me and whoever else may be with me hard at work.

So the pic you can see here is me in my home studio (parents boiler room) and although it is not glamourous... It's where the magic happens so I am grateful for it. I tend to jump from there to the garage and vice versa. MATTJAM LIVE LOUNGE is where the music is at but I do dream of making this a real place for musicians to come and write, perform, collaborate, record and most importantly, JAM.

So what's new? I am currently writing a song called Bedroom Busker that I am really excited about. Can see this name being the title of an album in the future. Never know. Got the idea after being invited to a hush hush secret group of Bedroom Buskers on Facebook. I have already said too much. Anymore and I will have to kill you...

Cheers Vinnie :)

Feel very happy and lucky that I have enough good people surrounding me who help me when I'm losing my way, guide me in a new direction and support me every step of the way.

ps - Please check out Orla Gartland and Jake Bugg if you have not heard them yet. Both absolute stars of the future. WOuld love to get people like that in MATTJAM LIVE LOUNGE. I would feed from their souls. This is what I am listening to at the moment. That and a bit of Alex turner on acoustic guitar and the Rizzle kicks defo put a smile on my face.

"Sunday is a day for reflection but often we have no clue about what the hell happened the night before" - Matthew Swegsda

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