WRITING'S ON THE WALL by Matthew Swegsda


Start of a new week and again I feel as positive as I have in a long while. This website and this current project has really helped to bring my creative juices to the front and allow me to rediscover some songs I have not played in some time and really get to grips with my musical path. I have a new lease of life and right now I feel so grateful with all that I have in my life.

To look at on paper I have little that society would deem a success, yet still I seem to have found a smile that had been lost for a while. In the past I have been lucky enough to have had many great opportunities and materialistic possessions. However, I was never really headed in the direction that felt right. Now I feel happy that I am on the correct path and rather than concentrate on the things that I don't have right now and the things that society tells me I need to be a success; I see the writing clearly on the wall and continue to believe in myself.

This song was the 1st song I ever recorded (almost 2 years ago). When living in Cyprus I saved up and made my own mobile, home recording studio and this was my 1st attempt at an acoustic recording. It represents my ambition and belief. When I posted this song on it went to number 1 in the acoustic charts from around 150,000 songs. I was placed higher than the signed artists who were using the site and my name was placed on the front of the website as number 7 from over half a million artists. I nearly S**t myself when I saw this. This song represents my greatest accomplishment yet and continues to help me believe. It's an indication that I am capable but the hardest battle lies in continuing that momentum and constantly pushing myself to progress. It is for this reason that I am currently seeking a move from the village to the City.

I have met many people in my situation and we all go through highs and lows. When we put in the hours by self promoting or just playing to people, we tend to get results. The problem is that after one result you need another and patience wears thin and it is never fast enough. Patience is the key. When I was living in Cyprus I was getting lots of great opportunities and probably started taking things a bit more serious for the 1st time. I had to give up a great job, the sunshine and a great lifestyle and take what would look like a step in the wrong direction to society, to take a step in the right direction for myself, as I felt returning to the UK was pivotal if I wanted to make an impact in the music industry. It is difficult to see what is in front of you at times and sometimes you just have to ride things out and persevere. I know I won't feel as confident and positive as I do today every day but as every little step goes on that ground in front and every little word is written on my wall, I feel more and more as though I am doing exactly what I was born to do. It is up to each and everyone of us to make it happen. To do what it is that feels right and truthful to ourselves and master our own destiny. People talk about what it is to have made it and I sum it up in one line and this goes for life in general.

"If you can be anything, then be an inspiration". - Matthew Swegsda

Writing's on the wall by Matthew Swegsda (c) - Copyright

Look at the writing on the wall can you catch a falling star before it falls?
Do you close you eyes before you leap, and leave it all to chance?

Open your eyes, see who you are, believe that you can go that far
Stand up, be counted for, give your dreams more than a glance.

Dreams are what you make them, chase them if you dare
Oh don't be mistaken, dreams are everywhere,

Do more than say you will, grab the horns and face the hill
And climb, now's the time, it's neverr too late to start

Go where you've never been before, do it all then do some more
Open up, let the fear go, follow your heart

Dreams are what you make them, chase them if you dare
Oh don't be mistaken, dreams are everywhere,

Soar, fly into the night and don't look back
Soar, it's up to you to make it happen,
Soar, fly into the night and don't look back
Soar, it's up to you to make it happen,

Dreams are what you make them, chase them if you dare
Oh don't be mistaken, dreams are everywhere,

Soar, fly into the night and don't look back
Soar, it's up to you to make it happen,
Soar, fly into the night and don't look back
Soar, it's up to you to make it happen

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