Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

AOG13 Potato head fungus invaded

Over in the insect arena a potato head fungus was found harbouring a team of Common Garden Millipedes, this is a misdemeanour; the potato head was warned about his behaviour. 
Irene Rhia (Extra) from Sao Paolo was distraught when she discovered that her flight to the UK was a total waste of time as her events were being held in Sao Paolo, these birds are renowned for being somewhat airheaded.

"Breaking news from our studio in Dallas...."
"Shandaya, this is Felix Lockjaw reporting live from the City of Pretension, population 30 just 10 miles from Lubbock, Texas. I'm with the Mayor and Sheriff Todd 'Buttermilk' Crockett, what can you tell us Mr Mayor or Sheriff?"
"Weeeell Todd, we pride ourselves on being law abiding citizens here in Pretension, we may have only 30 residents but we have 28 Po-Leese cars and 28 deputies to maintain order. Weeeell about 1500 Lubbock Central Time a bus load of Chimpanzees arrived at the Football stadium to take part in the Javelin contest. They were polite and calm as we frisked them for any hidden fruit or leaves. As Deputy Cleetus checked the stern of a large lady chimp the group grew raucous and started hurling what we thought was mud at us - I'm sorry to say it wasn't mud."
"Them dang chimps all grabbed a javelin each and I swear they started chanting, "Apes win - Apes win," at which point they faced down my deputies. Have you ever seen a Po-leeese car full of chimpanzees driving through the streets. It was bad, real bad. They came back eventually, were put on their bus and driven back to their training camp. I never seen so many chimps give us the finger before. Hell we're down to 10 cars now."
"Hey, has anybody seen Cleetus, he was with that big lady chimp!" 

"Shandaya this is Felix handing back to you in the studio."

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