Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

AOG14 You what????

Flossie is amazed that we eat these things. The extra is the scene at the boating park after an event for the owls and pussycats. Chaos ensued when the boatman called out, "Number 61 your time is up - Number 19 are you in trouble?"

"Over to our Dallas Anchor Arlene....."
"Thank you so much for helping me land this job Todd and I will be around later to show you ......."
"Thank you Arlene, keep to the script..."

"Yesssireebob, well those without memory problems such as Bootneck will remember Cleetus the Sheriff's Deputy who disappeared with a female chimpanzee yesterday; Cleetus and his patrol car have been traced to Las Vegas where allegedly he and "Glorious" Chimp have married. Can you believe that? Cleetus phoned his dad, the Mayor and Sheriff to tell him that, and here I have to quote as I can't keep all this in my head, "Daddy, Glorious is better looking than my fourth wife and her table manners are better." Over to you Todd, see y'all later Hun."

"Thank you Arlene, my wife's attorney has already emailed, dang - Meanwhile in other news, North Korean Diplomats are searching for their Grasshopper gymnast, Hup Ding Wee. Mr Hup was described as a loyal and scared member of the proletariat from Pyongboing. This is a crumpled Todd Squarejaw reporting from hell."

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