Not so Shiny

My knight in not so shining armour awaiting my arrival this morning within a stone's throw of the Dower House. Every girl should have a personal knight in shining armour and if it's not bright enough it's time to bring out the Brasso and do some polishing.

The lure of an M&S meal with wine for £10 was enough incentive for me to make the pilgrimage into town before too many tourists were up and mobile.

As I passed the statue of the 18th century Scottish Philosopher David Hume outside the High Court, I was amused to see that it is not only his big toe that people are rubbing to a golden colour while making a wish, but now three toes on his right foot are bright and shiny. Presumably that allows three wishes per visit. I wonder what Hume would have made of it all....... not a lot I imagine.

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