
When I'm at home, I start every day by making coffee. Boil the kettle, grind the beans, set up the moka pot using the ground coffee and hot water, pop it on the stove (with the lid up) and light the gas.

It sits there and doesn't do much for a while and then, once you know what you're listening for, you can here the initial shot of frothy liquid making its way up the flue, followed shortly thereafter by the dark liquor. 

I remember trying to use a moka pot years ago and giving up on it but I had another attempt when I moved into the old cottage and this time got the hang of the process. Sometimes, for whatever reason, it doesn't quite work the way it should, most often, I think, because there are grounds caught in the thread between the top and bottom parts. But this morning it came out according to its usual rhythm, making for a most satisfying start to the day.

In fact, I would highly recommend this practice (or similar). The enjoyable but simple little ritual, the anticipation, and the (almost) inevitable daily victory of a successful brew, yet with the frisson of mild excitement arising from the unlikely but nonetheless real risk of the occasional failed pot.

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