Baubles in August

It's nice to be home. Lovely, in fact. I spent last night catching up with Dan and Abi, hearing about their week camping, and this morning we all had a bit of a lie-in. Some (Dan) more than others.

I caught up with a bit of writing, this morning, and spent a lot of the afternoon doing chores, wandering from room to room, finding things that needed doing (and there are lots).

In the evening, the Minx and miniMinx came up and we all barbecued on the decking, It was lovely and relaxed; the kids all larking about, me, the Minx and Izzy chatting. As it got darker I realised I hadn't taken a photo, so I grabbed this shot of one of the lights in the apple tree, which looked curiously Christmassy: kind of how I was feeling.

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