'Everything is connected'

I'm not a religious man - although it must be comforting to believe, I imagine - but on the other hand I am very aware of the quantum weirdness amongst many other things that makes modern physics far more mind-blowing than anything written in the Bible or by JK Rowling. 

You only need to dip into Hugh Everett's many worlds theory or read the argument that our 'Goldilocks' universe is only in existence because we are here to observe it to realise there's a lot of mind-blowing theory out there, much of it underpinned by experimentation and observation. 

But when I talk about believing in karma, I don't mean that I believe in it as a spiritual force or, indeed, some aspect of modern physics, I just mean that I believe whole-heartedly that the way in which you conduct yourself in life will, for the most part, pay you the appropriate dividends, most obviously for your friendships.

And all of this might lead you to think that I had a deep(ish) day but actually it was loosely inspired by this sign on saw on a building after lunch with my friend and client, Ian. I do have clients who have become friends but I think Ian is the only friend who became a client. 

We met in Manchester, today, for what my colleague, Steve, kindly and euphemistically refers to as a 'wet meeting', starting at the oyster bar and culminating in a late lunch at the excellent Pho at the Corn Exchange. It was a most enjoyable meeting, topped off nicely by drinks in the evening with Dom and the Minx.

-12.2 kgs
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