The Mont Blanc Express

Last night during dinner in Zermatt the heavens opened. Lightening flashed and thunder crashed, the rain, in that way of alpine storms, was torrential. Eventually the thunder and lightening faded but the rain did not, waking this morning everywhere was awash.
It's a 3 train journey back to Chamonix, the highlight of which is usually a trip through the gorges and high passes that mark the border betwixt Switzerland and France, it's one of the few touristy things I do often, and coffee to hand from Martingy station it's usually a scenic and spectacular joy.
Today was fascinating in a different way as the steep conifer lined valleys positively roiled with rising cloud - many of the views, glimpsed between clouds, looked more  rainforest than alpine.
As we passed la Praz the cliffs of the Dru and the Aguille Verte broke free from their shroud for a moment - they were the only mountains I saw all day.

Philosophy Friday
Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.
Bob Morley.

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