The Augustbordpass

From relatively remote Gruben over to relatively cosmopolitan Grachen looks fairly straightforward on the map - the reality was a little different lol.
The 1200m climb wasn't that arduous - the hardest bit was how staggeringly wrong the guidebook times were, but as I can read a map pretty well that didn't matter. & the views from the pass were simply fantastic.
The descent however was loonngggg ....but also more than made up for by the views as we turned into the Matterhorn valley high above St Niklaus - whilst our final prize remains tantalisingly out of view we got to see the Weishorn, Briethorn(s), Pollux, Castor, the Dom and many more - taking me back to happy climbing trips to this alpinists playground.

Big big smiles and lots of "omg's" from the clients never goes amiss either.

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