Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Scandal at AOG NJ Stadium!

Actually, mulitple scandals, if you count the hawks being banned for trying to take out Team Titmouse... But I digress.  The real scandal was discovering one of Team Arachnid's tiniest stars, the Northern Crab Spider, with - gasp - the scent of moth on her breath and a drained corpse nearby.  She's denying all knowledge but the evidence is damning.  The officials will have to take this under advisement - any advice greatly appreciated.

Meanwhile, we discovered Team Assassin Bug has also been quietly taking out some of their competitors.  And then, when Team Net-wing Beetle was supposed to be practicing their flight routines, I caught these  two in flagrante dilecto!  Absolutely shocking!  Really, I'm not sure what to do about the darned insects.  They are either canoodling or eating one another.  

Meanwhile, Team Hummer was putting on a good showing, for the most part (if you don't count some skirmishes among their athletes...)  
P Junior practicing his hovering
while Jezzy did battle with a paper wasp

And because they really, really want to enter the Frassing competition (frass - look it up...), the Monarch Cats are busy molting and trying to get bigger, because bigger cats have ... bigger frass!

Yes, folks, another big day as we countdown to Opening Day of the AOG2016 - please check out what the athletes from around the world are up to, and tag your entries AOG2016 until the official opening day, then AOG5, AOG6, AOG7, etc.  

And thanks to Osuzanna for hosting TinyTuesday this week!


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