After all the 'strutting' I saw this Spring, I was surprised not to see any poults... a natural result, one would think? Tonight, I was finally rewarded with seeing two broods of jakes and jennies. One brood was very young and tiny but they disappeared into the brush quite quickly. These were a few weeks older and much braver, although they still only reached midway up the adult's leg.
Another I was walking on various trails, I had several people ask me if I had seen any deer. Nope, not me. Then when I was about to leave, the same people were along the road heading out when I saw a deer cross the road behind them. Once again, no one was aware....not even the dog that was with one family! At one point, the deer even stopped and looked down the road at the. Cute... Deer
Isn't it hard to believe that August begins tomorrow????
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