There She Blows!
C was pumped to see some whales when I told him that it was possible, so we headed down to Briar Island to go on a whale watching cruise. As there are hundreds of humpbacks and some 12 species of whales in the Bay of Fundy, you are almost guaranteed to see some. The fisherman who run the cruises also work together so radio each other when there is a sighting. It is amazing how knowledgeable they are. Our guide (along with her husband), had been doing this since she was 14 years and has an album of so many of the whales in their area. She has named them and can identify them by their tails which are all very distinctly different in patterns, colouring, injuries, etc.
It was an exciting 5 hrs out on the Bay. We saw porpoises, dolphins, Fin whale, several humpbacks (including a mother with her calf). Sadly, no breaches this time (I saw two breaching last time I was out) but lots of tails as they dove under. Also, the birds were spectacular ; ))
D x
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