Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Retro Room

I was working at Bb's desk today for a wee while and so I don't normally get this view, so it was quite nice today when I turned round and saw the things.   The two chairs are G-plan and his parents bought them in 1966 and we got them from his mum when she downsized in 2002. They take up quite a lot of room, but they are definitely comfortable and we use them very occasionally when we watch tv - the only one we have in the house is in this room and we aren't big tv watchers.   The shelves hold a lot of my dad's books.  The top shelf is mainly Budapest things: Janos Torok ceramics top left and the vases on the right are 50s and mainly Hungarian with a couple of German ones in there too.   My favourite of the Hungarian vases are unfortunately just out of shot....another blip perhaps!The religious icon was a present from our wonderful landlady when we left her Budapest flat after 3 and a half years.   The little table isn't really our style these days but I've had it since before Bb and I met and I bought it from a friend's mum and we both have a bit of a soft spot for it, despite the misfit of styles. 

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