
Today we were supposed to be sorting out the front room now that the shelves are up. I guess it's stared but it's been slow progress with two over-tired children. Hopefully a slightly earlier night will mean slightly more sleep, and slightly less grumpy kids tomorrow!

I've done painting and websites today. Started Steve's website. Could do with somebody technical and good at PR really to help him make it shine verbally!

Charley has totally mastered crawling. And, finally, rolling. Last night I came upstairs when he woke to find him ready to crawl off the bed - if he can do it in that half-awake state he's sorted! Today he proved that he remembered how to get down off the bed safely too (as in, turn around and climb down feet first) which is good.

I'm not doing so well. Ben sat up in bed this evening and asked me how my tummy was feeling. It dawned on me that for weeks now that in the evenings when we've been going to sleep I've been telling him sharply to get off my tummy, don't lean on my tummy, ouch that hurts. I told Steve when he got in from smallgroup and he said it sounded like the tummy ache he gets when he's stressed. I imagine it is stress related. Not specifically to do with him starting up this new business venture as such, but stress at learning to live with him day to day again!! It's hard work, learning to live with somebody, especially (I think) somebody who you love so much. Learning that you can't just take each other for granted, but that you can totally rely on them. Learning to look out for each other, pick up the slack when the other is exhausted, but also to be able to give each other the space needed to get on with the individual's work.

Anyway. A few early nights (hint hint, Jeni) and proper food and remembering to get dressed before midday (DO need to do that tomorrow, I have someone coming round to hopefully buy a couple of posters in the afternoon!) and activities with the boys and I should be right again.

Blip mojo may be suffering a little at the moment.

But at least I'm painting again :)

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