
By Hillyblips


We've got those conservatory blinds that rain down paint particles every time they are open or shut. Consequently I was yet again washing down my rubber plant when I realised this was not a speck of paint but a very still little bug.

After a few shots I was startled by what looked like droplets coming from it. Speedily setting the camera up for some continuous shooting and giving the flash a fair bit of hammer I set about trying to capture the drop. He was only 3mm long and I've probably sacrificed clarity for action but was so intrigued. Many many zillions of images later this is what I came up with but surprised the camera hasn't overheated!!

On reading up on Leafhoppers they do forcefully eject their dangerous sticky waste liquid onto the floor and sure enough there was a pool the size of a 2p on the tiles below. Quite a lot for such a small chap!

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