Lakeland Dipper (further afield) 35

Scolt Head Island
The timing of the tides and the weather was perfect to get out to the island. The low high tides made for a dry walk over the Cockle Path. The usually purple black, mineral rich mud was caked into a geometric grey; tough on the feet. It made me realise my ten year old feet (not much bigger now) must have been leather after a summer running across here trying to catch up with everyone else, bigger and older.
The trek out always feels timeless and a bit 'Famous Five Go Forth'. The heat shimmered over the sands and the creek sparkled.
Once on the island I walked out to the sea and along the shore towards 'the Breakthrough' where the tidal surge broke across the island in the 50's and on towards House Hills and the Warden's Hut. With not a soul to be seen, the occasional fly past of cormorants and diving little terns for company, I swam. It was so wonderfully warm. It felt strange without the buoyancy of my wetsuit that I have become so accustomed to, but the salt water compensated, so different to fresh water swimming.
I noticed the first early signs of the tide on the change and headed back across the centre hoping I might not be too late to see my old friends and was delighted to find I wasn't (extra).
And I had time to pick some samphire to go with my fish cakes later.

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