A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Fitting in

Today has been a day of fitting things in, including blip. But, as challenging as it may have been it does all seem to have been fitted in somehow. Even if somethings, like this bike ride were definitely squeezed in with not much to spare. Not often we cycle to a deadline but J was a boy on a mission determined to complete the 10mile route we had in mind. I just about kept up! And very lovely it was too, mainly along the river and taking in Hammersmith, Putney and Barnes Bridges.

The other main thing to fit in was work for the sort of job interview I have next week. It takes the form of running a webinar so Carl and I spent an amusing part of the evening practicing with us both in different rooms. I think it helped.

And now to fit in some sleep.

Lesley x

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