Squirrel Friday

This acrobatic little chap added some much needed humour and colour to what's been a sad and dismal day.
As I've started to pack for the Alps the news has been full of another terrible tragedy in a place I know well, a senseless act, joy turned to horror. A personal blessing was hearing that a good friend and his family had changed their flights for a last minute commitment, otherwise they'd planned to attend Nice's celebrations with the children.

In a week where the UK has yet another unelected leader and we've decided to put a clown in charge of International relations it seems very much like the world could indeed do with some more love and understanding. We might not ever be able to get all the darkness out of our world but we can each try and be a candle that adds to the light.

Philosophy Friday
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.
Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

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