Outdoor First Aid, Course 1, Day 1

Up early and off to Thirlmere Recreation Hall, I chose wisely it's turned out to be a fantabulous venue, phew.

I wasn't really sure how long setup would take, answer was 30mins - so a slightly later start can be allowed for tomorrow. A lovely bunch (yes they're Outdoors people and the chances were good, but it's always a relief) of trainees turned up on time, and always the key to a good course, full of enthusiasm.
Super positive feedback, they all felt it was good - but I know I need to be a little slicker running the scenarios on the hill as time can disappear quickly and there's some stuff needs to happen that was a little squeezed in today. Fortunately there's Day 2 to come.
The presentations and practicals were ace, having a slide for everything worked well, as I could switch the projector off in the practicals or coffee breaks and reassure myself I'd covered the course material without the trainees noticing. I was also pleased that everyone commented that the pacing and flow worked well.
Only downside was I didn't take enough pics, as part of this was to build up my "own" library of shots, so I will ask the trainees to help with that tomorrow!

This is a regulated course, so whilst it's mostly continuous assessment there is a test at the end of each day. Half way there and everyone passed, lowest mark was 80% Big smiles all round.

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