
We had to get up and organised fairy swiftly as we had to leave for Priddy about 11 am, with the addition of Alex who was getting a lift out there too. We were doing a set in the village church, as were Three Cane Whale, of which Alex is a member - gosh, what a selection of instruments they play! The venue was full to bursting, so after we'd done our set the only way I could hear some of theirs was to lurk in the bell-ringing area. 

Later we wandered about in the usual aimless festival fashion, bumping into old friends, hearing a variety of music, eating something not very good, drinking some good beer. (We had a strange conversation with a jolly Brexiteer in the beer tent - some of the "Leave" voters seem to be under the impression that we've already left). It was lovely to see Rory again and also Les Barker, who I hadn't seen for years. They both did cracking sets in their own inimitable ways. It wasn't all musos, either - DH bumped into an archaeologist he'd worked with in Embra!

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