twinned with trumpton


And back to life, back to reality. An hour or so catching up on e mails before heading out; bike in hand. Managed to collect her bikini at Next, then a couple of visits, to hers for tea and toast and onwards to the EH9 and EH16; areas I normally avoid on account of there being up a dirty great big hill... But still; a pleasant wander about the leafy bits of the Grange.

And after lunch - onto Leith and home for some report writing.

Out again into tipping rain; got soaked so came back for the car and dry trousers. Before picking her up (she declined to join me and Barry for Arthur's Seat) Actually it wasn't that wet - more misty than anything.

To her's; I cooked prawns in a pseudo Thai curry style.

Then back to watch another Cav victory.

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