
Time to poke my head above the parapet ……………

I have spent the last few days turning off posts on anti-social media to stop me really losing the rag or going out to woods with a length of rope and a step ladder.

We live in a democratic country (a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives), despite what many would have you believe, where people have to right to make their own decisions and vote in whatever way they wish – if indeed they wish to vote at all.

This does not give people the right to be abusive to or harangue others who hold a different view. To have an effective democracy we require different opinions and views and to have a credible opposition in government. Failure to do so results in Dictatorship.

Unfortunately, in the Scottish ‘ruling party’ at this moment this appears to be quite acceptable – even preferable. Both the current and previous First Ministers have stated that they wished to see the end of Conservative and Labour parties in Scotland for good.

When it comes to a referendum (a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision) it seems that the attitude of the ‘losing side’ (for want of better description) is to bitch and complain and attempt to have the result overthrown,  rather than accept the wishes of the majority of voters and get on with trying to make things work.

Two years ago there was a referendum in The United Kingdom to ascertain if Scotland should become an independent country. This was rejected by the nation which means that Scotland is still part of The United Kingdom. Many of those who wished to separate still lobby for another vote and give those with the opposite view a hard time, despite the fact that it was stated this was a ‘Once in a generation’ occurrence by both Westminster and Holyrood. Now after this latest referendum which asked the voters of The United Kingdom if they wished to leave the EU, the Scottish government say that the result does not suit them as it does not represent the wishes of ‘Scotland’ and there should be yet another referendum to try and go independent in order to stay in the EU (when did 2 years become a generation?).

However, it does not matter if the current result does not suit ‘Scotland’ – the vote was whether The United Kingdom should leave. Scotland is part of The United Kingdom and the majority of the entire nation who voted (and over ¼ chose not to vote),  voted to leave (and incidentally, The Scottish government does not speak for every person in Scotland when it comes to their opinions or views despite what they say) therefore they are bound by the results …………. As per a Democracy!

The City of London voted to remain – does that mean they should ask for a referendum in order to see if they should become an independent nation?

There is nobody to apportion ‘blame’ to for the results. It was a decision that was taken by each and every person  as to where they placed their cross for whatever reason and now The United Kingdom as a whole needs to come together to make it work. Whether it was the right decision or not only time will tell but what is done is done and people have to accept the democratic right of others to make their own choice.

In the real world ............... SWMBO has been asleep all day and I have done a bit of gardening (before the rain arrived)Now after this latest referendum asking the voters of The United Kingdom'arties

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