A Bit Better Today

Any political comments on antisocial media have been getting switched off.
People made their statement with their vote.
We don't need the arguments, bitching, name calling etc.
If we don't like it ......... tough!
It is called 'Democracy'.

Elsewhere .......................
I did a couple of wee pots using 'hinges'  found whilst rummaging about in the garage.
The main blip is mahogany and ebony and the other one (in the extras box) is some very old lignum vitae. There was a split in the piece of lignum I used for the lid but I fancied the challenge so carried on to see if it would stay in one piece. It was then finished with some brass, tus adding a wee bit more 'character'.

It was The Cygnet's birthday party at the ten pin bowling club in the afternoon.
Only one set of tears ..... when The Cygnet got his finger clipped between two bowling balls.

After that SWMBO and I headed West to see Don Henley in concert.
The trip took a lot less time that expected despite all the roadworks and speed restrictions. That meant we were able to go and have a nice relaxing meal beforehand and not feel rushed and stressed.

We sat down about a minute before the support band came on stage (perfect timing) - more than could be said for quite a few people (very rude I think).
The band leader asked he they could have some house lights switched on so that they could see and interact with the audience (and make it easier for the latecomers to find their seats). Unfortunately his request was ignored each time he asked which I thought was pretty bad of the lighting guy.
It would also have made it easier for the audience to see the group as the whole time there were only 6 spotlights coming from behind them throwing them almost into silhouette.
Our other issue was with the 4 guys in the row behind who spent the whole time talking and laughing and disturbing all those around them - despite being asked to pipe down or go to the bar if they didn't wasn't to listen to the support.
I ended up complaining to a steward who arranged for another couple of stewards to come and stand almost next to them and they took the hint.
(I didn't pay a small fortune to go and listen to 4 drunk Weegees!)

Don Henley (and his 10 piece band) were excellent (unlike the lighting engineer who several times missed his cue and was either lighting the wrong person or worse - leaving Mr Henley in the dark when he was trying to introduce the next song. At one point there was a whistle and an "Over Here" from the pitch black stage.
There were no mobile phones being used to film the concert which was amazing. It was even commented on by Don Henley who was delighted but said that they could be used later when he was singing about 'some hotel'. In fact, to introduce the song his comment was ....."You can get them out now".
A most enjoyable evening.
Rounded off by listening to Adele in concert at Glastonbury. She has no airs & graces and sounds like she would be a great laugh on a night out (despite an a friend put it this morning - her "potty mouth")

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