Banjo and the Giant Radish

Banjo is a Newfoundland…more bearlike than doglike. Despite his size, Banjo never signed on for having anything to do with lava beans or carrots or radishes. Coming from a place that is almost all rock and water, he has a pathological distrust of all vegetables. After several years he had finally adjusted to radishes, but they were the little French kind that one slices and puts on a baguette with butter. He had never seen a radish as large as a turnip. In fact, Banjo had never seen a turnip. Whatever it was, he just didn't trust it. One never knows what a giant radish will get up to, so it really didn't seem wise to get too close without sizing up the adversary very, very  carefully. After all, he is from Newfoundland a place of rock and water. Why should he know anything about vegetables? It might be dangerous. Why else would something like that be on the kitchen counter? The trick was to get its number before  making any moves. All he had to do, he figured, was keep a close eye on it and see what it did next….

I always wondered what exactly OilMan was doing up there in his veggie beds. Lately he's been more like a mad scientist than a gardener, coming in every day with yet another enormous veggie. The funny thing is, these radishes (see extra) are the most amazing shade of pink inside, sort of the color of Pepto Bismol, but they taste just as good as bite sized French Breakfast radishes. He is working on a giant carrot but his white lab coat is in the laundry at the moment….

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