Flower Friday : : Crocosmia

This plant, with its rather unassuming spiky leaves, like so many other things in our garden, is jammed beneath a palm tree and next to the gas meter. It doesn't look like much until this time of year when the beautiful flower appears. Because of the crowding, it leans outward just enough so that the flowers are framed by the bedroom door. We always talk about moving it, but we forget about it as soon as the flowers fade….

I think it must have come as quite a shock to many british blippers to wake up this morning to the news that Britain has voted itself out of the European Union. There seem to be enough parallels with Donald Trump's campaign in this country…fear and hate speak, dire predictions and anti- immigrant sentiment to give me a very uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I sympathize with those who voted to remain. We all need each other more than ever.I don't see divisions , wall building and 'going it alone' as very useful for either of our countries.

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