
By mike191435

A Japanese garden

Well I have finally been able to publish a blip for today, something I have been unable to do for the past couple of days, due once again to computer problems and our internet connection. I hope that my luck will continue for the next few days, if not longer! Todays photo is taken of a Japanese garden which is to be found within the pretty grounds of a convalescent home in Aincourt - (Hôpital inter-communal de Magny en Vexin). We went there today to visit an elderly friend who is suffering from severe back problems. This was our first visit to this establishment, and we were very surprised to see the spacious park in which the buildings were located. A great deal of thought has obviously gone into the planning of the grounds, and the Japanese garden is very popular with the residents, who make their way there in their wheelchairs and on crutches, just to admire the scene and to take in a breath of FRESH air whilst sitting on one of the many benches located around the garden. The weather today has been a little sunny but very muggy with temperatures of upto 29°c. Quite a change to the past couple of weeks. However, rain and thunderstorms have once again been forecast for tonight and possibly tomorrow. No doubt this will yet again interfere with our internet connection, and will thus prevent me from being able to comment on all the back log of blips awaiting me from you, my followers. However, I'll do my best, and if you do not hear from me tonight, rest assured that I will eventually be able to view and comment on all your wonderful blips, which mean so much to me. So I'll leave it there for tonight as far as this blip is concerned, before the clouds start clapping. Take care and have a peaceful night, shortly or when it comes, and thank you as always for your following which is still very much appreciated. 

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