
By mike191435


This morning was spent in the very pretty town of Vernon, about 20minutes drive from our house. Our reason was to see the cardiologist for my wife, and all went well. Whilst we were there, I decided to get some shots for todays blip. The main shot is of a famous little house originally built on a bridge across the river Seine, but the bridge is no more, and has been replaced by a more upto date structure. The extras show the following: (1) Another view of the house taken from the new bridge. (2) A painting of the same house by an elderly lady who is a very good friend of ours. She has many, many paintings to her credit, some of which, like this particular one, decorate our home, and the others will no doubt be subjects of future "emergency" blips! She has won many awards at various exhibitions and contests, and is a very talented lady, especially for her age. (3) The castle situated next to the bridge. (4) A couple of the many river vessels that make regular trips and cruises up and down the river Seine. These vessels are completely equipped with 5 star cabins and several bars and restaurants, and cruises are available for anything from 1 to 3 weeks. As you will see from the picture, one of them has made it's way up from Basle in Switzerland. (5) The church situated in the town of Vernon. (6) A present awaiting us upon our arrival home....one of our chairs on the terrace covered with sleet and hail ! It was sunny and blue skies only 20 minutes earlier in Vernon, but torrential rain and thunderstorms accompanied us back home. How strange the weather is at the moment. Well I am off to the shops now to get some bits for one of our friends who is a widow and is short of money and company. We will be taking the goods to her afterwards and spending a couple of hours with her this evening. I hope you are all having a nice day, or in some cases, have had one, and I wish you all a nice evening and a peaceful night.

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