
By mike191435

A village green

Today's blip was taken of the river Levrière as it runs through the village green situated in the pretty village of St Denis Le Ferment. The weather today has been very stormy with temperatures as high as 29° and intermittant rain. Heavy rain and thunderstorms are on the menu for tonight, which is really annoying, as it has been my intention for some days now to stay up all night to watch the results of the EU Referendum on Sky News. It now seems that I shall be having an early night instead, as I shall be forced to disconnect our electrics and the internet. I am very eager to wake up in the morning to know if I am still a European citizen, and if not, how this will affect British people like myself who are living in a European country. The future could be really bleak! I hope that you are having some nicer weather, although from what I have seen on Sky, there have been severe floods etc in London and the SE. No doubt this will affect a lot of people as far as voting is concerned! As they say, "if it doesn't rain then it pours". Have a nice evening and thank you for your following once again.

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