the colour green

By jukeys

livraison and a lost cat

Booked a delivery of all my stuff from Scotland to arrive today, including my gran's piano! Surprised dad who didn't know it was coming (had told him we'd put it into storage in Edinburgh) by inviting him round for a coffee and when he walked in, I was playing a tune :) It was an emotional moment! 

All our wedding list stuff is now here too.  Just have to find space to put it all but so great to have all our lovely new stuff to unpack and admire :)

I've also put a photo of a cat we accidentally rescued today! I called over at mum's in the afternoon and as we were chatting in the living room, a cat appeared at her front door meowing.  There is a facebook page for missing animals in the area so I went on there to post a picture of the gorgeous moggy as he didn't look too bad a condition and we thought he must have an owner who's looking for him.  Turns out he was already on there as missing!  He'd been gone for 8 days and we were able to message the owner straight away to tell her we'd found him :)  We dropped him off at the local animal rescue centre for the owner to pick him up later that evening.

Great day all round!!

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