The Felling of a Giant

Just when I thought I might be toiling to find something to grace these pages with the  inclement and constant smirr of rain providing a damp start to the week, along came the tree surgeons with their saws and harnesses, to chop down another tree over the railings.  

I watched as one of their number climbed high into the tree canopy, crawling along dead branches that looked dangerously ready to break under his weight, while his lethal chain saw looked as though it could slip and cut off one of his legs at any moment.

Now as I write, the ropes have been taken down and the tree has been left as a tall bare trunk, rather like a thick totem pole. I have a horrible feeling it is going to be left like that. It seems that this is the preferred way nowadays because it saves money, and possibly with any luck, a leaf or two might sprout out of the top to give a green feathery frond of nonsense to what was once a noble tree.

Two hours later and my pessimism has been misjudged; revitalised by their lunch, the men have pulled the remaining trunk down -result!

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