South Uist Beach

Eat your heart out, Porty, this is a beach to die for! Just south of Daliburgh and over the machair from the hamlet of Boisdale, a mile of cream sand lapped by emerald water edged with a lacing of white froth.
The sun was out with interesting clouds making shadows to shade the sea further from shore from pewter through deep blue to pale green.
We shared the beach with oyster catchers nesting in the dunes at the edge of the machair which we walked through to reach the beach. It was a carpet stretching as far as the eye could see filled with daisies, buttercups and yellow vetches.
At the wet gullies, yellow irises shared space with bog cotton and marsh marigolds. Cows grazing with small calves eyed us solemnly as we passed while we eyed them suspiciously lest they were wont to do us mischief in protecting their young. Everywhere silence save for the cries of the oyster catchers and lapwings.

It was lovely to stretch our legs and wallow in the peace and tranquility after yesterday's debacle with the Polochar Inn. After being taxied back and forth to our wonderful B&B, we had an indifferent meal at the Inn compared to the others we have eaten this week, but our guest made up for everything and we had a wonderful evening filled with wine, fun and laughter.

Now after a ferry crossing from Eriskay, we are in Castlebay, Barra, with a bedroom window overlooking Kisimul Castle, and the sun is still shining. Even His Lordship is happy.

I wish I knew how to post extra photos on this site with my iPad, but if it is possible, I haven't figured it out

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