
By Juli

Team GB?

Final swimming lesson for a few weeks but as it's already the summer holidays, we were the only ones that turned up so my daughter had to work very hard, although she's not quite ready for the national team yet! So glad we did make it as I found out that not only does the lovely swimming teacher work at the school I'll be at in September but she also may well become a blipper shortly - fingers crossed!

Getting quite excited now about the Olympics starting although I'm still cringing about the North Korean flag faux pas. Honestly, if there was anything that demonstrated the need for geography teachers it has to be that! :-DDD

Also... almost every day I hear a word that is either new to me (perhaps not to anyone else!), or unusual, or funny, or makes me stop and think, or simply sounds nice so ages ago I was going to start up a little 'regular feature' in my blips but I'd forgotten all about it until Wayfarer's blip today reminded me! So here it is....

Word of the Day



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