
By DawnAgain


I spent most of today decluttering the spare bedroom and the desk. The former included taking six refuse sacks of clothes and bric-a-brac to the charity shop; the latter involved clearing out years' worth of stuff from the drawers and putting in place some new desk tidies. It feels much more organised now.

In other news, we recently ran out of bird feeders, Roger having managed to break the last two. Yesterday said squirrel came along at his usual time and climbed up the feeding station pole only to find no food whatsoever. He looked very disappointed and skulked off in the direction of next door's garden.  Today we bought him a new peanut feeder (and also a squirrel-proof(ish) seed feeder for the birds) and hung them on the feeding station. No sign of Roger but hopefully he'll come back. Meanwhile, late in the day a pair of collared doves checked it out but they didn't hang around long.

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