
By DawnAgain

The sport of kings?

Mr DawnAgain and I were out and about this afternoon and decided to pop along to watch the polo at Cowdray (well, Ambersham). It's only £5 to get in and is a very enjoyable way of passing a few hours on a sunny day. It's also great fun for photography. Having grown up in a polo town I've always had a bit of a soft spot for the sport and it is far more exciting and skilful than football, for example. However, I am developing a bit of a niggle about it being cruel to horses. Although they always seem well cared-for, there's no denying they are worked really hard, whipped, and have a short shelf-life ending in euthanasia or slaughter. When I contrast this with the lives of Exmoor or New Forest ponies it doesn't seem quite right.

On a lighter note, there were some great names among the players today including Rafe and Ludo. It also took us half a match to realise that there was a player called Johnny Good (we had thought the commentator was saying "good" and "jolly good" at inappropriate moments).

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