Sammy, Sunshine and Sycamores

The sun continues to shine up here in the north, another warm day too but a chill in the northerly breeze.  

I really enjoyed my weekend away with caravans but Monday morning soon comes round and back to work!  Even though the schools are off for the long weekend, we hardly saw a family in the museum.  I really can't blame them, far too nice to be inside.  It's been a fairly quiet day, a rush over lunchtime and then slowed down again in the afternoon.  I've enjoyed my evening outside walkies with Sammy and a spot of gardening.  Off to work in the pub later.

A fine evening for walkies and plenty of folk out too.  Sammy had plenty of sniffing to catch up with after a weekend away.  Sammy had been busy sniffing the sycamores while I waited and enjoyed the flowers, like these pink bluebells.  Taken on Sycamore Avenue, Scalloway. 

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