
It's been another great day of sunshine and warm at 17 degrees :)  Mist did come in to some areas on the west coast this evening but it's clearing again. 

Last day with the caravan and up early again to head out exploring.  We went to Ronas Voe to start with and had a yarn with my cousin's cousin and then headed north to North Roe.  We came to Isbister and then up the track to Fethaland.  On the way back, stopped off at my grand aunt Joan's and uncle Magnie, for a cuppa.  Breiwick cafe for lunch and then time to relax before packing up the caravan and heading home again.  I went for a walk this evening with mam, sister Laura and nieces around Cunningsburgh.  Quiet night now.

Not been for a walk to Fethaland in years and with the great day, made sense to make the trip.  It's the most northerly point on the Shetland Mainland and used to be an old Haaf fishing station.  My great, great, granddad used to fish from here when he was young, Daa Broon. Nothing left but a few abandoned croft houses and the abandoned fishing huts along the shore.  I'd love to have seen it in it's full working glory. 

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