Houlland Broch

It's been a fantastic day, warm, sunny and little wind :)  

Up early and managed a walk with Sammy before breakfast.  After the caravan chores were out of the way, we headed to the banks of Eshaness for a walk about and plenty of folk around too.  We had friends visit this afternoon for lunch and afternoon teas :)  A quiet evening enjoying the sunshine and a fee strolls with Sammy.  A few pints tonight in the Hillswick Hotel, danger with a hen and stag doo in for the night! 

After walking along the banks, we headed in land and past the Hol o Scrada and towards the Houlland Loch.  I've been here in the past with friends for fishing and camping and always a great walk no matter what time of year.  Looking over the causeway and Houlland Broch and up to the Houlland house, Eshaness. 

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