Studio Time

2years 277days

We have had a wonderful time today with my godbabies, Max and Eden. We went on the train quite early, she was really excited to be going to see them and sang the whole bike ride to the station, chattered on the train a little, but then fell asleep the full journey there! She woke up instantly the train stopped, full of exactly the same excitement again.

Her and max had a lovely few hours just the two of them as Eden had a mammoth sleep. They played in the tent in the garden, they scooted round, they ate Nannan out of house and home (my best friends Nana, who everyone calls Nannan, who calls me her adopted granddaughter, and who even Katie now calls Nannan). They didnt stay out too long in the garden, it got quite warm, and came inside to eat and chill out together. There were rather a lot of kisses!

One of the reasons for the visit today was to do pre-Christening photos of baby Eden. I set up the studio kit and we had a lot of fun playing with various outfits, backdrops, etc - a few more than normal. Katie and Max during this time had a wonderful time in Nannans garden "watering the plants" - or each other more accurately. They both came in and joined the photos too at various points - they are featured in my own blip together today. Katie loved the opportunity to play with things that she knows ordinarily are my work things!

After the photos, they ate the entire contents of Nannans fruit bowl before running around like complete loons playing kiss-chase for about half an hour. Katie was sad to leave, until she remembered GrannyGrandad were to be at our house when we got back.

She was really good on a very crowded train on the way home - helped by a (stupidly expensive) ice lolly bought from the station kiosk. When we got back she had a really serious play, gathering a lot of her friends for a party with two cakes , lining them up along the sofa by species. And telling grandad off when he "dared" to put his feet anywhere near them as he was "in their way".

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