Sunny Sunday

21months 3days

Another fabulous and chilled out day today. We had a lovely play time in the morning - Katie has started taking me by the hand, saying "mummy sit down here" and telling me exactly what is expected of her. She had a lot of fun trying on shoes that have previously been put away "to grow into" and we discovered 2 pairs that now fit, including new favourite shoes. "Cat on shoes" has been Katie's greeting to everyone she's met, as she's danced around trying to lift both feet at once.

We went to church with the cousins, she was very pleased to see them, although a little overwhelmed at first by being bombarded with people saying hi and fussing her. She settled really happily in the creche, just throwing a brief scowl when she realised I was leaving. It helped that Heidi and Lydia were both there today so she was happy to play with them.

She fell asleep in the car on the way home, transferred without a problem and slept for 2 hours. I'm sure I'll regret it later (1 hour is normally the most I leave her!) but I thought i'd let her sleep all she needed.

When she got up, we went out to the Cousins' house. It's not a long walk if you're an adult, however its a fair going if you're not yet 2 with short legs. It's quite an uphill walk, which she insisted she was going to walk. She chattered the whole way there about Cousin's ball, which she plays with whenever its nice out. Thankfully, they'd thought ahead and the picnic blanket, balls and outdoor play things were ready and waiting. We had a lovely couple of hours with Cousin2 before Katie walked the whole way home again.

She's been extremely chatty today (even more than normal) Cousin2 thought it fabulous! She said "motorbike" for the first time after seeing about 5 zoom past at great speed through the village!

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