
2years 278days

It may seem there are lots of dancing/gymnasticy/bouncy/skippy photos of Katie. Thats because there is a lot of dancing/gymnasticy/bouncy/skippy Katie. Its one of the things she Always does. That and singing. She spends a lot of her days wandering around singing. Her nursery told me that she's started pottering about singing away when she's there now. I explained thats a good sign that she's feeling settled and comfortable there. This morning, she danced Monkey most of the way there.

Nursery day for her and Monkey today. She was very pleased to discover when she got there that she now has a photo with the peg that she chose for herself (its got a Monkey on it) and her photo has been put on the board with her now assigned keyworker. She's very excited because she's in a group with a big girl that she's really taken to.

This evening, we're going on the bus to our old village and she's spending the evening playing with Tom & Henry, and their big cousin as Mummy has a leaving do to make her prescence known at briefly! She's very excited about it as the big cousin has said they can make butterflies to decorate big cousin's bedroom with.

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