A busy day at the pond

A day spent fighting IT problems today, wonderful when it works, so so so frustrating when it doesn't.
On several of pooches many "we need to get out of the house walks" we circled the green area that forms Orton's heart. It's not a green like a village might have neither is it pasture or even a reserve, simply it is a lovely open space given over to nature and occasional pastoral grazing. It's one of many things that make the village special. At its centre is the pond. I'd feared the flooding might have damaged or disturbed the area, but today it was teeming, ducks, moorhens, coots are all nesting but these healthy looking goslings were out for a stroll with their elders.
Community First Responder assessment passed for another year, and online Duke of Edinburgh Supervisor and Assessor tests completed ahead of Saturday's course.

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